Friday, March 27, 2015

Stained Glass Kites

Kids, four and up, sure enjoyed this craft time.  Making a stained glass kite for Spring to display in their windows at home.  Look at their pretty creations, and the happy faces!  Most of the kids had taken off before I could get the last group finished for a picture.  The moms all thought it was a beautiful craft too.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Design and Bind Your Own Journals at Centerville

A room filled with women excitedly looking forward to crafting, is a delightful way to spend an evening.  I taught them how to emboss paper, and away they went!  I am really enjoying how many are taking time to come to the different programs at the libraries, so there is a community forming. It's like seeing friends each craft time, and they feel that way as well.  Take a look at the stunning beauty they produced tonight!  One young woman made her very first craft project ever!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mini Books are a Huge Hit!

The Tweens arrived very excited to make a mini book with me today.  When I let the example accordion book fall open, the gasps were very rewarding!  They had to follow precise instructions, using measurement, cutting, arranging and glue to create their book. When they finished, they were very surprised and happy to find out that they would be creating another mini book!  This program was a hit with the children as well as the parents.  It's a great craft for ages 9 through adult.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Upcoming April Programs

4/7 Niles @ 2:00 Family Tote Bags ages 4 and up
4/9 Fremont @ 2:00 Tweens Graffiti Art R
4/14 Centerville @ 6:30 ADULTS Garden/cooking
4/18 Fremont @ 3:30 Tweens Shrinky Dink Earrings R
4/21 Niles @ 3:30 Grow Your Food ages 4 and up
4/30 Irvington @ 3:30 Family Mother's Day Cards 4 and up
R means registration required
all other events, arrive 10 minutes early to secure a spot.
Looking forward to seeing you at one or more of these exciting, fun programs!
I'd love to hear from you as well! Your thoughts on what you'll be attending, or what you'd like to see coming in the future. smile emoticon

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Beginning Watercolor for Adults at Fremont

Can I just say, I love my job?!  It is so rewarding to have a room full of adults who are unsure of what will happen, listen to the teaching, and get down to work.  To see them grow right before your eyes in knowledge and courage makes my day!  I truly enjoy encouraging people to try new things, and this class was no exception.  They had the best time, and many will be going out to buy supplies to continue at home, while others will now be looking for an art class to attend.  Look at the beauty these beginners painted tonight!

Celebrating Dr. Seuss at Fremont

30 children filled the room with laughter and excitement as they were ready to get the celebration started. First, the children made a snack that looked like Green Eggs and Ham after the book by Dr. Seuss.  We discussed his birthday and that he would have been 111 years old today!  We talked about the way he wrote his books, and how much we enjoyed them.  Then the children were given mirrors and forms to make a self-portrait while I recited the Youer than You poem that Dr. Seuss wrote.  The children really put a lot of effort into their portraits and had fun visiting while working too. Look at their cute selves!