Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beautiful Butterflies

I love butterflies! To be able to share that love with others-is wonderful! At the Newark Library, we had a Butterfly Gardening Program and Butterfly Crafts. The parents learned how to create a butterfly garden at home, while the kids planted a Milkweed seed of their own. The children loved creating their butterflies, and they were beautiful!

At Dublin Library, we created 3-D Butterflies and added jewels. Absolutely beautiful. One little girl added about 2 pounds of jewels to hers. The colors were gorgeous and the children enjoyed creating, while visiting with their friends. We had a number of boys enjoy this craft as well.

Cinco de Mayo Celebrations

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! I taught at Fremont Main and at Newark on one afternoon. We had a great time. The kids at Fremont enjoyed learning what Cinco de Mayo was about, and did a great job creating their drums and maracas. A newspaper man covered this event. As you can see from the pictures-all had a great time. At Newark, every young person chose to decorate a drum. They created very colorful drums, then we had a parade around the library. A great day of celebrating.