Friday, November 22, 2013

Shrinky Dinks at the East Palo Alto Library

Some of the children today weren't too thrilled to be forced to do a craft but once they got started, boy did they have a great time!!  Lots of wonderful art work and each child loved, loved, loved watching the art shrink! We discussed how hot it was in the oven, and the children were deciding if they could tolerate that heat. We talked about planets since we were talking about heat, and then they told me all they knew about how long it takes to get to the hottest planets.  Lots of learning going on while we created these masterpieces!  The one boy who was very difficult in the beginning, ended up taking home almost all the beads on his necklace and didn't want the day to end.  I love how art can soften a heart.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Roamin' Reptiles

This program was such a hit with boys and girls alike.  The children colored their wooden reptiles, then made habitats for them to live in.  They took the entire hour designing and diligently working to create their friend's new home! One mom was so surprised at the time and care her young son took, that she will now break out supplies for him to do art at home. Yay!  We used a lot of recycle material to show the kids ways to use their clean trash as well.  I enjoyed meeting the new librarians at Atherton at well.  Welcome Veronica, and Alejandro!